Learn Disorder - Nashville Pediatric Care

Learning Disorders in Kids

Learning disorders in children are not terribly uncommon. Some can appear unexpectedly. We have the experience and expertise to help children with learning disorders achieve at the same level as other children. Learning disorders cover a broad range of learning problems. Early detection offers a good chance of combating these issues, allowing children to aim high and improve their self-esteem.

Possible Learning Disorders in Children

  • DyslexiaDyslexia is a reading disorder, causing trouble decoding print text and recognizing words. Many children with dyslexia don’t understand the meaning of things they’ve read. Some of the major signs of this disorder include painfully slow reading, mixing up letters, inability to recall words, and problems with letter sounds.
  • Dyscalculia. This disorder is focused on difficulty with learning math. Children with dyscalculia have trouble recognizing numbers and symbols, causing them to struggle with basic mathematical functions. Signs of dyscalculia include inability to retain patterns in addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, problems with money handling and cost assessment, and mixing up similar looking numbers.
  • Dysgraphia. This disorder causes issues with writing. This generally means children have a problem with processing information and using complex motor skills. This prevents them from writing whole or grammatically accurate sentences. In many cases, they have indecipherable handwriting. Signs of this illness include the ability to verbally discuss an idea but being unable to write it down. Children with dysgraphia may also show frustration when made to write thoughts down. Also, they may grip their pen or pencil awkwardly.
  • Nonverbal Learning Disorders. These disorders are difficult to diagnose since children with them are generally articulate and academically strong. They generally run into problems when attempting nonverbal communication and basic social skills. Signs of this disorder include not recognizing facial expressions on others, problems handling change, asking too many verbal questions, and issues with fine and/or gross motor skills.

There are many other learning disorders, but this list includes some of the most prevalent. Knowing what to look for in your child helps determine a need for professional evaluation. The earlier a learning disorder is diagnosed, the easier it is to help children learn to manage their symptoms and ultimately succeed in school.

If you suspect your child may have a learning disorder, gather information on his or her academic history, contact the teacher, and speak to his or her pediatrician. Together, much can be done to help diagnose the problem and make changes to offset the learning difficulty. Above all else, make sure to provide lots of love and support.





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