Kids’ allergies are much more prevalent today than in years past. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, the risk of allergies has increased, with 40% to 50%
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Illnesses and Allergies to Watch for in the Fall
Fall is a beautiful season. Leaves change on the trees and fall in crunching drifts, sunsets and sunrises blaze with gold in clear air, and summer heat mellows into cool
Read more »Dealing With Food Allergies During the Holiday Party Season
Dealing with food allergies is always rough on families, but the holiday season can be particularly challenging. As classroom party plans and social invitations crop up, parents need to balance
Read more »Alpha-gal Syndrome: Its Carriers, Causes and Symptoms
Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is a red meat allergy that develops due to a bite from the Lone Star tick. This tick is found in the southeastern areas of the United
Read more »How to Identify Common Rashes and Skin Conditions in Children
There are a wide array of rashes and skin problems that commonly affect children. Although parents may not be able to identify every rash that pops up, it is important
Read more »The Relationship Between Allergies and Asthma in Children
Although allergies and asthma are distinct health issues, a relationship between the two can develop in certain cases. Since many of the symptoms for these two problems can appear similar,
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